Tuesday, August 26, 2008

come again?

first off, i'm glad that i was not under the influence of hallucinogenics when i watched the scratch film junkies or else my mind probably would have exploded into a million tiny pieces. with that being said, i was very impressed by all that the filmmakers were able to do with the medium. even though i did not particulary enjoy watching the film, i do appreciate the hard work and talent that was put into making it. it seems like people are always trying to find meaning in films and other types of entertainment, but i found it to be just a bunch of random images and sounds strung together in hopes to confuse my mind and eyes. even though i found it a bit hard to watch at times, i beleive that further viewings would give me the opportunity to catch things that i might not have the first time around. it was all going by so fast that it was hard to keep up with it at some points.

i think that watching this film was a great way to start off the semester because it showed how broad the world of filmmaking can be. i think the reason that i've never really enjoyed experimental films is because 1) i've never given them the opportunity to grow on me and 2) i've hardly done any experimental filmmaking of my own. i think this class is going to give me the opportunity to expand my thinking of filmmaking in general. learning new tools and techniques will allow me to create fun and exciting pieces of work. after one class i am extremely excited to venture futher and see where it takes me. just reading the introduction on the syllabus lets me know that this class is going to have a tremendous impact on me. the simple fact that the class is about being open-minded and the freedom to creatively express myself is awesome. i hope to gain a lot of new knowledge and ways to enhance my filmmaking through this class.

by the end of the semester, i'm sure that i'll be able to look back on the film scratch junkies and see it for so much more than what i initially thought. who knows, maybe i'll enjoy this class so much that i'll have some new ideas as to what i want to do with my future and career in film. because i think it's such a great quote, i'll end on it: "the most important part of your equipment is yourself - your mobile body - your imaginative mind - and your freedom to use both."

life's a garden, dig it.

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